"I feel connected to that idea of wanting to belong to something, to have a sense of purpose as a man on the planet." Jeremy Renner
What is Co-Mentoring?
The Co-mentoring Program serves youth who are aging out of the foster care system and offers an ongoing supportive community as they transition into adulthood and independence.
1st Saturday
On the 1st Saturday each month, we offer workshops, which provide an opportunity to build greater trust and strengthen the group through activities, games, council and plenty of time for discussions. We bring in speakers and have break-out sessions encouraging current and former foster youth to meet and engage with new people as well as strengthen bonds with familiar faces.
Prior to the activities, foster youth have an opportunity to attend the monthly cooking lessons. They prepare the entire meal learning kitchen safety, knife skills, provide gluten-free and vegan options, assemble salads and learn a variety of entree options.
At the end of the event, we take time to celebrate the birthdays and accomplishments that have taken place over the course of the previous month.
Throughout the month, every co-mentor has the opportunity to reach out and connect with each other as well as attend additional groups and programs offered throughout the month allowing for a variety of possible relationships to form.
The co-mentoring program simulates a familial environment bringing a variety of influences and experience. Co-mentoring encourages everyone in the group to teach and also to learn as well as to give and receive support.
It's always good to take part in the co-mentoring program. I have issues that consist of feeling out-of-place, and this program makes me feel welcomed. That's pretty simple, but it means a lot to me.” age 22, female